Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah, Leadership, Division of labor, MotivationAbstract
As an intellectual who lived in the 14th century, Ibn Khaldun is a thinker who carries the political and social effects of his period. It is possible to find traces of the views found in Ibn Khaldun's work today. From this point of view, in this study, the necessary data have been tried to be revealed in order to open the door to understanding what the three concepts of “leadership, division of labor, and motivation” are in his work “Muqaddime”, specific to Ibn Khaldun's modern management approach. In the study, literature review and exploratory research method were used. Throughout the study, although there are no principles and practices directly related to the field of business management in the analysis of “Muqaddime”, it has been concluded that the existing views can be adapted to the field of business management.
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