Human Resources Management, Organizational Performance, Strategic Human Resources Management, Descriptive Content Analysis, HRMAbstract
In this study, a total of forty-five research papers, including 31 dissertations and 14 articles from Türkiye, that examine the impact of strategic human resource management on organizational performance are analyzed using the qualitative research method of descriptive content analysis. Within the framework of the study, publications from the scientific databases DergiPark and TRDizin were considered for the articles, and publications available on the portal of the CoHE Thesis Centre were considered for the dissertations. The included theses and articles were collected using a study classification form consisting of six sections. The findings were reported descriptively by interpreting the results using graphs, percentages, and frequency tables. The results of the research show that quantitative research methods are used in all of the studies conducted in this area, while mixed methods are preferred in a few of the remaining studies. None of the studies use qualitative methods. Another important finding is that in the study of the impact of human resource management on organizational performance, it is evident that it is associated with many issues, especially organizational behavior issues.
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