

Drucker, Objective, MBO, Business History, Management History


The matter of management by objectives, initially proposed by the renowned management scholar Peter F. Drucker in the 1950s, is sometimes considered within contemporary management techniques, and at times it is examined in issues such as executive or organization development. Initially conceived as a performance evaluation technique aimed at enhancing workplace efficiency and productivity, the management by objectives later evolved into an integrative tool contributing to the transformation of individual goals into organizational objectives. Over time, the management by objectives started to play a role in strategic planning processes and has continued to maintain its popularity for a certain period. In this study, through a literature review, the conceptual content of management by objectives has been reviewed to include up-to-date information from the literature. In conclusion, management by objectives remains one of the significant management tools, although its effectiveness may vary depending on the country, sector, or type of business. Recommendations for business life were given. Besides, directions for further research were presented.


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How to Cite

DEVELİ, A. (2023). GENERAL VIEW OF THE MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES. Journal of Management and Organization History, 2(1), 82–93. Retrieved from