Writing Rules

The writing rules of the Journal of Journal of Management and Organization History (JMOH) are as follows:

  • The articles submitted to the Journal of Management and Organization History (JMOH) must be in MS Office Word (* .doc, * .docx) format. Articles can be prepared in Turkish or English. Articles should not exceed 25 pages (including bibliography as well).
    The template file should be used during the article preparation process. If necessary, the current rules (7th edition) prepared by the American Psychological Association (APA) can be used.
  • The title should be in 14 font size.
  • Title of manuscript, abstract, and özet (abstract in Turkish) should be written in bold, centered, and all letters in the capital. Other titles should be left-justified, bold, and the first letters of the words should be capitalized, others lowercase.
  • Abstract, keywords, and bibliography should be written in 10 font sizes and single space.
    The text should be in 12 font size and Times New Roman.
    The text should be justified and written with 1.15-line spacing.
    All titles should be numbered (e.g. 1., 1.2., 1.2.1.), Only the bibliography title should be unnumbered.
    Spacing between paragraphs should be set as 6 pt. before and after, and carriage return indent should be set as 1.25.
    In the bibliography, lines starting from the beginning of the line for each work must start inside 1.25 cm.
    The margins should be left 2.5 cm, right 3 cm, top, and bottom 2 cm.
  • Title Page and Its Layout
    The title of the article should be short and concise, preferably not exceeding 12 words. The title page should also include the name and surname of the author/s, the institution information of the author/s, the address information of the author/s, the ORCID number, and the e-mail address. The corresponding author must be specified.
  • Abstract and Keywords Page and Its Layout
    The article should have a Turkish and English title, Turkish and English abstracts not exceeding 250 words, and Turkish and English keywords. The abstracts should briefly emphasize the purpose of the study, the method, the main findings, and the result. Abbreviations and references should not be included in the abstract as much as possible. At the bottom of the abstract, at most five keywords related to the study should be written. Since the journal is published in two languages, English title, abstract, and keywords are required for Turkish articles; Turkish title, abstract, and keywords must be written for English articles.
  • Extended Summary Page and Its Layout
    Our journal has decided to publish all articles with an extended summary since 2021. Accordingly, an extended summary should be prepared in English for Turkish studies and in Turkish for English studies. The extended summary page, which is expected to increase the visibility of the articles and therefore the number of citations, should be placed after the references list. In the extended summary section, which should be written at least 1250 words, the purpose, method, findings, and result sections should be discussed in more detail according to the type of the study. This part should be written in 12 font size and 1.15-line spacing. The extended summary can be written after the acceptance of the article.
  • Text Page and Its Layout
    The articles should have an introduction part emphasizing why the relevant study was written, its importance, contribution, and main purpose. The text part consists of conceptual framework and hypotheses, method of the research, findings, discussion and conclusion according to the type of study. The display of the titles in the text will be in the following order:
  • Heading Level Writing Format

    Level 1
    The first letters of the words should be written in bold, capitalized, and lowercase.
    1. Introduction
    2. Conceptual Framework
    Level 2
    Left justified, bold, the first letters of the words should be capitalized.
    2.1. Concept of Competitive Strategies
    2.2. Concept of Environmental Uncertainty
    Level 3
    The first letters of the words should be written in bold, capitalized, and lowercase.
    2.1.1. Generic Strategies
    2.1.2. Types of Environmental Uncertainty
    Level 4
    Italic, the first letters of the words should be capitalized and the rest should be written in lowercase. Cost Leadership Strategy Situation Uncertainty
    For titles after Level 4, Level 4 format will be applied.
  • Reporting of the In-Text Bibliography
    When citing the studies used in the research process, citations should be given with in-text bibliography. Studies with three or more authors should be reported as “et al.”, including the first time as well. Examples for in-text bibliography are presented below:
    For one author
    ……… is stated (Barca, 2005).
    According to Barca (2005) ……….
    For two authors
    ……… is stated (Barca and Hızıroğlu, 2009).
    According to Barca and Hızıroğlu (2009) ……….
    For three or more authors
    ……… is stated (Barca et al., 2013).
    According to Can et al. (2013) ……….
    For translated work
    ……… Porter (1980, 2013)
    If there is a direct quotation in a text, the relevant part should be enclosed in quotation marks and this time the page number should be shown along with the author and year information.
    “……….” (According to Barca and Hızıroğlu (2009: 115) ………
    “……….” (Barca, 2005: 8).
  • Reporting of the Bibliography List
    All in-text bibliographies shown in the article should be included in the bibliography list. The bibliography should start from where the text ends. “Bibliography” title should be left-justified, bold, and the first letters should be capital; from the next line, the studies should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the authors. If there is more than one study belonging to an author in the same year, it should be written in the bibliography using the letters “a”, “b”, “c” next to the year of publication.
  • Examples for bibliography are presented below:

    Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2007). Strategic management cases: Competitiveness and globalization (4th edition). Thomson Learning.

    Edited book
    Okumuş, F., Koyuncu, M., & Günlü, E. (Eds.). (2014). Strategic management in businesses (2nd edition). Seçkin Publishing.

    Chapter in an edited book
    Example, A. Ş. (2014). Strategic thinking and strategy development. In it, F. Okumuş, M. Koyuncu, and M. Günlü (Eds.). Strategic management in businesses (2nd edition, pp. 39-64). Seçkin Publishing.

    Translated book
    Porter, M. E. (2013). Competition strategy: Sector and competitor analysis techniques (G. Ulubilgen, Çev .; 3rd edition), Aura Publishing House. (Original work published in 1980).

    Barca, M., & Hızıroğlu, M. (2009). intellectual structure of strategic management in Turkey in the 2000s. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of FEAS, 4(1), 113-148.
    Article with DOI number
    Irk, E., & Döven, M. S. (2018). Competitive strategies implemented by companies and factors affecting this decision. Journal of Business Science, 6(1), 135-162. https://doi.org/10.22139/jobs.361855

    Irk, E., Karaca, M. F., & Ardıç, M. (2015, 15-17 June). The analysis of private hospitals mission statements in terms of stakeholders [Full-text presentation], First International Health Management Congress (IHMC), Gümüşhane.

    Döven, M. S. (2011). A study on the competitiveness of cities: A sample of Turkey [Unpublished doctoral dissertation], Sakarya University, Institute of Social Science.

    Tables and Figures
    Titles, contents, in-text bibliography, and explanations of tables and figures should be written in 10 font size. Headings should be written above the tables in bold, below the figures in bold. Each heading should be given a number (Table 1., Table 2., Figure 1., Figure 2.). All vertical borders and inner horizontal borders should not be used in the tables. Resource statements should be given under the tables or figures with in-text bibliography. If available, explanations should be placed under the relevant table or figure and general notes, special notes, and probabilistic notes should be reported here, respectively.
  • Footnotes
    Footnotes should not be used for citations. If there is an issue that needs to be explained in the text, it should be indicated briefly in the footnote. Footnotes should be written with single line spacing and 8 font sizes.
  • Additional information
    Conflict of interest information, support information, ethical approval information, and consent form information must be included at the end of the study. These can be presented with the following demonstrations.
    Conflict of interest information: The corresponding author acknowledges on behalf of the author team that there is no conflict of interest in the study.
    Support information: The study did not provide support from any organization (if support was received, information such as the name of the relevant organization and support number should be provided here).
    Ethical approval information: Studies conducted on individuals by experimental, clinical, or other scientific methods were conducted in a process that complies with institutional, national, or comparable ethical standards. (If the study requires an ethics committee decision, the information of the obtained ethical approval form should be provided here such as the name of the committee, date, number, etc. On the other hand, if there is no ethical approval form because the study was conducted before 2020, this situation should be stated here).

    Consent form information: Informed consent form (voluntary participation) was obtained from all individuals participating in the study.

    Acknowledgment: Optionally, acknowledgment for individuals or institutions can be expressed here.

Article Submission
1. The address jmohjournal@gmail.com should be used for article submission.
2. Studies under evaluation by another journal should not be submitted. It is assumed that the author who submits a work to the Journal of Management and Organization History (JMOH) has not published the relevant study elsewhere or submitted it to another journal for evaluation. Responsibilities in this matter bind the author.
3. Copyright and transfer rights agreement must be signed and sent by each author.
4. In cases where a permit from the Ethics Committee is required, the author must submit the document to our editorial office. Authors who do not submit documents although this document is required are deemed to have accepted the responsibilities to arise.
5. Article similarity rate should be less than 15%. Studies that do not meet this requirement are sent back to the author for correction.

Check List
– The abstracts are written in Turkish and English.
– The extended summary has been added.
– Footnotes, citations, and trade names are not used in the abstracts.
– There is no author information in the files to be uploaded to the system in order to help the referees to evaluate them objectively.
– The article has been prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules.
– Each figure and table is referred to in the text.
– Pictures and photos have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.