

War, Woman, Secondary labor


The presence of women in the labor market, which makes up about half of the world's population, has been defined as a “secondary labor”, behind men both in the past and today. However, it is possible to come across processes in which the gender roles of men and women are reshaped in times when social life is deeply shaken. These periods I and II. World wars can be cited as an example. In this context, the aim of the study is to draw attention to the issue of increasing the number and position of women in working life in the historical process due to the necessities that arise from time to time (such as wars), but after these obligations are over, they are excluded from working life and seen as a secondary labor force behind men. For the purpose, the discussions on the subject were tried to be analyzed in detail in a systematic approach by scanning the relevant domestic and foreign literature. In the study, the case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was handled with a holistic system. The study revealed that during the World Wars, women, who were seen as a secondary labor force in every period of history, could go beyond their traditional roles and reconstruct the concept of gender.


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How to Cite

AKYÜZ, M., & ÖZYER, K. (2022). WOMEN AS A “SECONDARY LABOR FORCE” IN THE TRACES OF THE PAST: A REVIEW IN THE CONTEXT OF WORLD WAR. Journal of Management and Organization History, 1(1), 27–38. Retrieved from https://managementhistory.org/index.php/jmoh/article/view/7